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The ABC of Market Research

Crisp Talks is our effort at de-mystifying and de-jargonizing concepts used in market research and marketing and bringing to life the role market research can play in saving organizations time and money

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years of experience in market research and marketing
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Marketing today is living out a fascinating paradox – the proliferation of “gut - based” decisions in a world suffering a surfeit of data

There are businesses that take decisions based on gut because there just isn’t the time to involve the consumer, and then there are businesses that think data and insights are both four-letter words. The latter we can only offer our good wishes, for the former, crisp insights is the answer.

It started as a reunion of sorts, ex-colleagues from market research reliving the good old days, bemoaning the decline in quality of and expectations from market research, exchanging tales from the trenches on the frontline of influencing prospects and winning customers.

The conversation turned to the relevance of market research models developed for a TV-led world for a generation of digital-first consumers, the value of data reported in weeks when marketing decisions are being taken in real-time and finally, the continued exodus of talent from the market research industry.

By the end of the evening, we realized two things (1) we have an unfinished agenda in the world of market research and (2) we have the answers to at least some of the questions

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  • To ensure critical marketing decisions incorporate the voice of the consumer via crisp, timely recommendations
  • Democratize marketing and market research by de-mystifying and de-jargonizing concepts
  • Create an organization where talent feels appreciated, rewarded and enjoys a sense of ownership
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Meet the Partners

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Kumud Ghosal

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Ritesh Ghosal

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Gururaj Kulkarni

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Tanmay Jaswal

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"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" – Albert Einstein

OBJECTIVITY in defining the research questions

We have an objective and analytical approach to frame the ‘right’ research questions to inform a client’s key business objectives

The team has honed its skills across years of experience and many businesses.

CREATIVITY in research design

We specialize in bespoke research designs ensuring that each marketing problem is addressed through a custom research design and not a ‘pre- designed product’

We view every problem from multiple perspectives before choosing an approach to addressing the problem

SPEED of delivery

We ensure efficiencies of time and resources by deploying innovative research protocols and automation

CRISP recommendations

We are committed to delivering clear recommendations and not mere data We do not hide behind phrases like “it depends”

Winning award


Project Completed


Happy Clients


Team Members


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